Kempinski Ball 2010

Ciragan Palace Kempinski and the Open Door Society of Social Responsibility, "Preventive Mental Health" project, to extend a helping hand to children deprived of basic social rights, December 13 2010, the Kempinski is holding Ball.

Cakarta'ya Berlin since 2009, the Kempinski Hotel Kempinski Ball held at the legendary nine children who are the future for the benefit of all of us are made in Turkey. As in the past year, revenues balloon this year to the Ciragan Palace Kempinski, mission essential and socially deprived children between the ages of 0-12 the Open Door Social Responsibility Association left to lend a helping hand. Ciragan Palace Kempinski general manager of the balloon in order to announce Andrea Muegge, Open Door Social Responsibility Association board members and the participation of Social Services officials, the press conference held Wednesday, December 1st, "Preventive Mental Health" project was discussed in full detail. "You Open A Door !" Kempinski Ball will be implemented in the slogan that will bring together nearly 600 distinguished guests, and presents guests an unforgettable surprise yaşatılacak artists.

Social Services and Child Protection Agency, Sheikh Zayed Bahçelievler 0-6 Years Child Care and Rehabilitation Center for Disabled Care

Open Door Social Responsibility Association organized events before, using the income from the General Directorate of Social Services and Child Protection Agency in conjunction with Child Care Bahçelievler Sheikh Zayed built for children aged 0-6, including care and rehabilitation center of the slots in the 0 - Preventive Mental Health Program which is the main project of 12 years applies to children. With this program with orphans and needy children of psychiatrists and psychologists, physical, spiritual development and to help complete this project aims to enable all government residences.



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