You Open The Door Too

Açıkkapı Society and the Ciragan Palace Kempinski on October 19, 2009, "Preventive Mental Health" project for children between the ages of 0-6 will create a special gala to open new doors. "You Open The Door Too” the slogan the event will come to life, taking part in the Ciragan Palace Kempinski Global Charity Program also carries a special meaning.

Ciragan Palace Kempinski organized jointly by the Open Door Society, and many distinguished guests in this special gala for children between the ages of 0-6 "to create more of a future health" brings together around a dream. Ciragan Palace Kempinski gala night will be held on 19 October 2009 the theater hosted Derya Baykal scenes take on the legendary name. In addition, a spectacular concert by Sezen Aksu guests will experience unforgettable moments. One of the biggest surprises of the night, will attend the event, to be a famous face to share their memories of very special ... about çocukluklarıyla

"Preventive Mental Health" program is gaining a new dynamism!


Open Door Society to the income from activities previously organized by the Sheikh Zayed Bahçelievler Child Care for children in the 0-6 age group had built a modern treatment and rehabilitation center. Now applied to this center, "Preventive Mental Health" program that may directly affect the future of children raises a very important topic: negative in the past, the future of children by damming! "Preventive Mental Health" program, taking on an important role at this point. Child care centers under the protection of children from the negative experience of many yüzleşebiliyor before coming here.


 The poor maintenance conditions in essence, even though economic reasons or ill-treatment, in essence, a common living area, separated from their families at a young age, all trying to stay alive. In order to prepare their children past and future infrastructure must be eliminated from the negative mood. One of the most important actions that need to be done in this direction, the children identify the different methods of mental working models are used together to implement the right. All these studies in the field of preventive mental health program run by psychologists and psychiatrists. Preventive Mental Health project got a huge boost in recent times. Open Door Society, the project spread throughout Turkey, and more children, including preventive mental health program by moving the public agenda, to be able to develop and is implementing various projects.

For More Information:
AçıkKapı Society of Social Responsibility
Tel: 0212 360 10 02


Open Door Social Responsibility Association Board of Directors:

Aslı Soyak, Bayta Edin, Berrin Yoleri, Burçak Sayılgan, Didem Kurdoğlu, Esra Civelek, Maide Kurttepeli, Merve Gürsel, Nevbahar Koç, Serra Taşkent, Sevgi Tunga, Shelly Elvaşvili, Suzan Keleş, Zeynep Üstünel



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Protective Effect of Mental Health Studies


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