Preventive Mental Health Project


Conducted in conjunction with the Social Services Agency Children Esirgme Specialist Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist Dr. Preventive Mental Health Project, implemented under the leadership of Dönmez Saltuk with the beginning of the Sheikh Zayed Children's Yuvası'ndaki Bahçelievler positive developments were observed in both children and staff. Protective effects of the ongoing applications under the Mental Health Project noted that, as a first step spiritual needs of children identified and psychological profiles revealed. Each child created specific academic field. The number of children using psychiatric drugs in 2006 fell to 14 while this number is 56. As a result of studies conducted with staff, children as well as personnel change took place in the strict sense. This program also liberated children. Both relationships and solving problems by making the game use the usual staff-child, as well as significant steps in relations between the children themselves were recorded. The volunteer visits the children was limited nesnelleştirilmesinin endpoint. Child relationship with the person who wants a true transformation took place.


Press Information: Fatma Meral - Medyaevi
Contact / Phone: 0212 351 9181
Sinem Eminoğlu - Medyaevi
Contact / Phone: 0212 351 9181


Dernek Hesap Bilgileri

  • Garanti Bankası
    Şube Kodu:1602
    Hesap No :6299994
    İban No: TR51 0006 2001 6020 0006 2999 94



Protective Effect of Mental Health Studies


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